Technology Integration in Education

📝“Technology Integration in Education. Integrating technology means the usage of learning technologies such as PowerPoint, the internet, or online grading system by the teachers to introduce, reinforce e and supplement 21st-century skills in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Today the use of technology has become a basic need. At the same time, to let the students born in this era get adopted with this century schools need to enrich technology in the class.

There are three cases of integration of technologies in teaching namely:

1.      Basic level integration.

Basic level integration is the use of PowerPoint, word document, and spreadsheet in the teaching-learning process. The teacher presents information using PowerPoint, assessment, and necessary calculation are performed on the spreadsheet to archive and manage time. I see that ICT is used as a tool to assist learning.

2.      Middle label integration.

Middle-level integration includes integration that has more impact on students. It creates the instructional simulation lesson to engage and monitor the learners. The teacher uses ICT tools to design learning tasks for the student. To guide the student, teachers either demonstrate or instruct them to post online.  Students performed tasks using IT and the teacher does the follow-up learning activities and assesses the learning by record-keeping assessment to check the progress of their learning.. 

3.      High-level integration

The highest level of integration is an advanced level that is characterized by e-learning, creating blogs and websites, and designing video lessons using the software. It involves collaborative learning. These users have the potential to transform the way students learn and the task is redefined to a completely new thing. The use of technologies is undeniable and closely interlinked with students learning.

We mostly use middle-level classroom integration of technology in the university as I have seen my tutor using PowerPoint, online learning through social media and virtual learning environments, and smartphones to teach. Occasionally, we were shown videos and online quizzes on Mentimeter and so on. Moreover, we know how to integrate lesson plans followed by follow-up activities.

Learning Task: SAMR Model Integration

Class level: V

Subject: Social Studies


SAMR model- Level of ICT Integration






Different types of season





Showing images of four different types of the season on the projector instead of printouts.





Giving a more informative and engaging oral presentation accompanied by a power point and Supplementing with a video that clarifies the concept.





Making animation slides for four different types of seasons and then uploading their task in an online virtual learning environment for prompt and automated feedback.





Having students publish their animated work online on the school website where it can be viewed by peers and the broader community.








