Situating Tool

What is situating tool?

  • Situating tools are system or application which situate user in an environment where they may experience the context and happening.
  • Situating tool are VE(virtual realities), 3D computer simulated images experiential learning environment, simulation instructed games.
  • Situating tool provide students to conceptualize the ideas of the real world by integrating the theories in the practical application of real-world situations. Example: Graphical and GeoGebra. 

why integrate situating tool in the classroom?

  • Situates user in the environment
  • Comprehend and manipulate variables
  • Communicate with other users to login(online game using social media -Facebook)
  • Foster creativity an visualization skills.

How can we integrate situating tool in teaching and learning?

  • Experience of virtual Reality Environment using Google Earth of the visiting place ad knowing about the world
  • calculate the distance of the place using Google Earth
  • Using educational software such as Graphical and GeoGebra for predicating and observing the variables for generating the graphs.
  • Using simulation games for feel the experience about the virtual reality environment

Examples:                                     1. GeoGebra


3. Google Maps

                                                      4. Google Earth
So, in this session we played a "Buy on a wire game", and "Flight Simulator",

We  explore different places, calculate Km of place using "Google Earth. moreover we can see those who are accessing online with at the same time.

