Blog as communication tools



📝I would like to remark that we discussed "BLOG AS AN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION TOOLS". Blogs basically mean a personal online journal or a diary maintained so that the outside online users can read and give comments on individual postings. They can also add their own pictures, audio, articles, and videos or blog posts which enables users to create content and build communities around a particular subject matter.

Blogging is beneficial for teaching and learning allowing for enhanced comprehension of the text that they are reading and building up communication between teachers and students. Moreover, it builds up a deeper understanding of the curriculum matters and creates collaborative learning among the students. Blogging can help support and enhance the development of reading and writing which are the foundation for success in life and school.

As students communicate in the blog,
they question and challenge each other's thinking,
 leading to deeper and more meaningful interaction

The importance of blogging in Education

Blogging provides writers more opportunities to be creative and powerful so that the write-up will be much more clear, easy to understand, and motivational. It helps in building up analytical and problem-solving skills which are necessary for education. blogging offers many advantages in education in the following way:               
  • Allows students to become better readers and writers.
  • Helps in promoting discussion among students.
  • Encourage teachers and students about the use of the Internet and the Blog
From this session, I have learned that being a future teacher it is important to know what things were needed to make students learn better and what we can do to improve the quality of education in this fast-changing world. Students should be taught how to create a blog and share their write-ups as learning about old systems gives us insight into an education system that was before which is not much creative. Keeping a blog or having students write a blog keeps everyone informed. Teachers can write a weekly blog post about what’s happening within the classroom. Parents can see their own child’s blogs and see what they are learning, and teachers can monitor the blogs for content and learning. This is a fun way to have students communicate with their families and each other. We must ensure that by using blogs as a communication tool, both teachers and students can develop skills essential for the 21st century. 

Thank you😊
